Rooted in Entrepreneurship: Growing up in a family of Lithuanian entrepreneurs, business wasn't just a concept - it was the rhythm of my life.

Witnessing the Struggle: Witnessing my parents' struggles firsthand ignited a passion within me: to demystify the path for future entrepreneurs like them. This vow became the foundation of my journey.

Climbing the Corporate Ladder: Armed with an education and years of experience working with diverse businesses (15 years + in business consulting, sales and marketing), I felt “successful” in traditional terms. Yet, something felt incomplete. My quest for knowledge lacked a deeper dimension.

A Yearning for Something More: For years, I dreamt of blending my business acumen with a deeper purpose, something that resonated with my soul. I dabbled in practices that nurtured my inner self, but a recovering perfectionist and people-pleaser kept me clinging to the "safe" path.

The Burnout Beacon: Then came the inevitable burnout. My corporate job, once a source of pride, became a suffocating prison. The exhaustion was a brutal wake-up call. This time, it wasn't just a wake-up call; it was a turning point.

Shedding Perfectionism: This surrender sparked a transformative journey. Years of simmering passion reignited. Inner work and energy healing became my tools to shed the perfectionist persona and embrace my authentic self.

From Dream to Reality: I was finally ready to embrace my soul’s calling wholeheartedly.

Blending Business Acumen with Inner Fire: This platform empowers conscious entrepreneurs to build businesses aligned with their values and ignite their inner fire. I bridge the gap between business success and spiritual fulfillment, ensuring your journey is both profitable and deeply meaningful.

Your Journey Begins Here: My mission? To empower visionary leaders like you to break free from self-doubt, embrace your true selves, and build businesses that contribute to a better world.

Ready to Thrive? Build a Business You Love: Ready to build a business that lights you up? Let's connect and explore how I can guide you on your entrepreneurial journey with Business Mindfully.

My Values and Their Importance:

Clarity & Focus: I guide you to create clear, focused strategies aligned with your deepest purpose. Data meets intuition for impactful journeys.

  1. Success Beyond Profit: I measure success by the positive impact on your clients, community, and the environment.

  2. Authentic Relationships: Trust and respect are the foundation of our genuine connections.

  3. Mindful Innovation: I constantly seek innovative ways to serve you, incorporating mindfulness principles.

  4. Sustainable Growth: Ethical marketing, responsible consumption, and community-positive businesses are core to my approach.

  5. Wellbeing is Key: Personal well-being fuels professional success. My holistic approach integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual health into your journey.

  6. Find Your Purpose: I help you identify your deeper purpose and align your business strategy with it. This ensures your actions have meaning, creating a fulfilling experience.

  7. Clarity & Structure: I believe clear roadmaps and well-defined goals are essential for a peaceful and focused path to success. I'll work with you to create a structured approach that supports your vision.

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PCM AMA certification Viktorija Aniulyte

Professional Certified Marketer certification


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